21 July, 2010

Wrap Around French Braid Variations 3 & 4

So remember this hairstyle? And these variations? Here are two more variations, as promised.

#3: Dress it up with a hair wrapped pony. To do this, finish your braid in a simple ponytail. Then take a sections of your longer hairs and wrap them around the ponytail. You can secure them with bobby pins after, or a clear elastic, or use a topsy tail to pull the ends back into the ponytail.

To change this look up a little more, you can even continue a simple braid part way down the hair, then so the wrapping.

#4: Use the tail to create a messy bun:
Here it is from the back (ish):

Remember that you can do any of these styles on wet hair for a neater, tighter look.

Has anyone tried any of these styles yet? Which variation is your favorite so far?

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